The National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007-2013 (PSN) has introduced the landscape as one of the strategig goals. With this decision the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies has decided to highlight the importance of the landscape, with the objectives and actions of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and of Rural Development. The Working Group “Landscape” of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies, is involved in research in the relationship between the landscape and agricultural policies. This Working Group in coordinated by Prof. Mauro Agnoletti, and is composed by Dr. Rossella Almanza, Prof. Giuseppe Barbera, Dr. Tommaso La Mantia, Dr. Paolo Nanni, Prof. Biancamaria Torquati and Dr. Andrea Sisti.

On the occasion of the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007-2013, the Working Group “Landscape” has produced an issue paper on the role of landscape (Agnoletti M. et. al., 2006, Il Piano Strategico Nazionale di Sviluppo Rurale, Architettura del Paesaggio, 15, CD Overview).

Following the approval of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programmes (PSR) in 2009 has also published the report “Landscape and Rural Development. The role of the landscape within the Rural Development Programmes 2007-2013 “. This paper carries out an analysis of the strategies and actions developed in the regional PSR, on the objective landscape, based on the quality of the actions proposed in the PSR available on the website of the Ministry until June 2009. It is therefore a “preliminary assessment”, which can not make a final judgment on their effectiveness, but that takes into account the content of the proposed actions and settings that are in the PSR. The opinion expressed, considers the relationship between the proposed measures and the characteristics of the rural landscape in the various regions and the effect of similar measures already adopted in previous development plans. Overall, the measures taken in the PSR have little considered the values ​​of landscape resources for competitiveness (Axis I) and the quality of life (Axis III), revealing an environmental adress or nature conservation, rather than a landscape address, in Axis II, which is one with the largest number of actions. Generally there is a lack of a whole project for the rural territory that coordinates the economic, social and environmental aspects that are the ones that produce the agricultural landscape within an overall strategy, which also can be integrated with territorial planning.

Download here the Issue Paper on Landscape for the PSN 2007-2013 (Italian).

Download here the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007-2013 (Italian).

Download here the paper “Landscape and Rural Development. The role of landscape in the Programmes for Rural Development 2007-2013” (Italian).

Download here the Cross Compliance Decree (Italian).